Our Occupational Therapy and Training Services
Grand Rapids Occupational Therapist in Person Service
Direct, in person therapy is provided in the Grand Rapids, Michigan area. In person therapy is provided where you live and perform your daily activities rather than a clinic. Radiant Family Therapies specializes in family centered therapy; a philosophy of service provision that is not just focused on the client but how all members in the family influence one another. When all family members feel their needs are being met, each person can function to their best ability and interact in ways that promote the well-being of all. This approach highlights child and family strengths and gives families a sense of confidence, learning, and joint family development.
Online Occupational Therapist Service
US and international clients outside the Grand Rapids, Michigan area can also receive personalized occupational therapist service via the Internet in the comfort of their own home and living space. Distance is no barrier to families being able to receive therapy that benefits every family member.
Occupational Therapist Training, Educational Seminars and Conferences
Dr. Katerberg is an assistant professor and is invited to teach regularly in the community and internationally. She has taught teachers, parents, and caregivers about special needs children and how to maximize child development so kids can reach their full potential. Email Dr. Katerberg or use the form below to request our therapy or training services.